I​All Abuse Issues - Domestic Violence - Child Abuse - Senior Abuse - Male Abuse - PTSD Child Rescue - Human Trafficking - Parental Alienation - WorldWide Consultations International Abuse Training & Educator - Motivational Speaking - Expert Witness
Below are the names and contact details for some important agencies and National Organizations ACROSS NORTHERN & SOUTHERN IRELAND who can offer you immediate help in most cases. It is important to note that we can provide you with ADDITIONAL REGIONAL & LOCAL CONTACTS should you need them, just message us VIA OUR CHAT LINK BELOW or reach out to us on FACEBOOK and we will give you the local contacts that can and will help you. The level of resources & services available in Southern Ireland is horrific, please contact us directly if you are unable to get help for the abuse you or a loved one is enduring.
Information about missing people, whose cases are filed with the Gardai, can be given in confidence by phoning the Garda Confidential line on 1800 666 111 -Alternatively, you can click on either of these sites which will provide you with more resources and support. If you are looking for a missing person OVER 18 then click on the following link: https://www.garda.ie/en/Missing-Persons/.If you are looking for a child UNDER 18 then this is the Official Garda Website link http://ie.missingkids.com
If you have a loved one missing or are a friend of someone who is missing you can phone The National Missing Persons Helpline for support and advice on 1890 442 552 and their message home service is freephone
1800 911 999
ISPCC (The Irish Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children) Missing Childres Hotline. Emotional support and advice when a child is missing Call or Text 116000.https://www.missingpersons.ie/contact-us
The worlds only missing person talk show Ireland & UK - Phone Fintan Cullen at 085 1882920 OR contact Fintan via the facebook link - https://www.facebook.com/fintansmissingpersonstalkshow/
NORTHERN IRELAND: Missing People (formerly the National Missing Persons Helpline) is a charity dedicated to helping missing people and supporting their families. You can access:
a national 24-hour helpline for people who are missing someone
a confidential national computerised register of missing people
advice, guidance and practical help to families of missing people
a 24-hour confidential helpline for people who have left home and wish to get in contact
profiles of missing people
You can contact the 24-hour confidential freephone helpline on Freephone 116 000 or Text 116 000
Missing People also produces and circulates posters of missing people and generates publicity by making appeals through the internet, TV, newspapers, and magazines. In addition, it has a range of resources and guidance surrounding the legal and financial repercussions of having a family member go missing.
The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) also has a missing person section on its website. There is a similar section on the website of the Garda Siochana.
PSNI - Missing persons(external link opens in a new window/tab)
Garda Siochana - Missing persons(external link opens in a new window/tab)
Runaway Helpline(external link opens in a new window/tab) is dedicated to children and young people under the age of 18 who have run away from home or care, or who have been forced to leave home. You can phone them on 080 8800 7070 and get advice and information to support and help you to make a decision about what you want to do next.
The Salvation Army Family Tracing Service(external link opens in a new window/tab) helps to find relatives over the age of 18. You can contact them on 0845 634 4747.
The UK Missing Persons Unit (external link opens in a new window/tab)helps the police in their missing people investigations by maintaining records of missing and unidentified people. If you are missing and want your family to know you are safe but don’t want them to know where you are, you can contact the UK Missing Persons Unit.
The Missing Irish People(external link opens in a new window/tab) website may help you help find a missing Irish person. Or if you wish to call home, have information about a missing person, or are concerned about a missing friend or relative, then details are available on the site.
Cyndi’s List(external link opens in a new window/tab) provides links to many other sites concerned with locating missing people.
Missing You(external link opens in a new window/tab) allows you to post a message on the site and read others.
The look4them(external link opens in a new window/tab) website provides a service by eight UK organisations involved in tracing missing people.
The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC) is Ireland’s national child protection charity. Their mission is to make the protection of children everyone’s priority. The ISPCC provides a range of services directly to children and families, and advocates for change to enhance the lives of children in Ireland. Childline is the national listening service for children and young people in Ireland and is a confidential service run by the ISPCC, by telephone, text and online. Live Message from this site https://www.childline.ie/ OR Call Freephone
1800 666666 - Free Text 50101 - Lines are open 7 days a week
NORTHERN IRELAND: If you are worried about the safety or welfare of a child, it is important that you report it. Even if you’re not sure, it's always best to tell professionals about your concerns. Social services and the police can investigate concerns about a child's safety. Who to contact, If you think that a child living in Northern Ireland:
is being abused, has been harmed in any way, is likely to suffer harm you should contact the Gateway Services teams for Children’s Social Work at the Health and Social Care (HSC) Trust in the area that the child lives. Click on the link here to access local services Gateway Service Teams contact details. You can also contact the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children's (NSPCC) free and confidential 24-hour helpline service just click on the link here to be brought to their page NSPCC - Child protection helpline
Human trafficking is a form of slavery. It’s a crime and a human rights violation. And it’s happening in Ireland. Let’s end it now. The Human Trafficking Investigation and Coordination Unit (HTICU) An Garda Síochána HTICU is a specialized human trafficking team within the Garda National Protective Service Bureau (GNPSB), and the State's competent authority for the identification of victims of human trafficking. All reports, suspicions or concerns in regards to potential victims of human trafficking should be addressed to HTICU using the adjacent contact information. Garda National Protective Services Bureau, Harcourt Square, Dublin 2. Be vigilant: call 1800 25 00 25 or email blueblindfold@garda.ie.For further support and organizations click on the following link http://www.blueblindfold.gov.ie/en/bbf/pages/victim_support_organisations
NORTHERN IRELAND: If you are a trafficking or slavery victim, help and support is available through the National Referral Mechanism (NRM), a process that identifies victims of human trafficking or slavery in the UK and ensures they receive the right protection and support. You will ONLY be referred to the NRM if you give permission.
Health care, social care, counselling, and other medical services can be provided if you are assessed to be in need of them. If you have been trafficked for sexual purposes you can receive care and support from the Sexual Assault Referral Centre. All recovered victims will be offered screening.
You are entitled to have your human rights respected. You can download the 'Human trafficking - Know your rights' leaflet in the following languages:
Chinese (Mandarin)
Chinese (Cantonese)
Below is a list of some of the organisations in Northern Ireland that can give you help, support, and advice if you have been trafficked or enslaved. Just click on the relevant link and it will bring you to the page directly
Modern Slavery Helpline - 0800 0121 700
If you need help with accommodation or housing you can contact the Northern Ireland Housing Executive
or the Simon Community on 0800 171 2222.
PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder is a condition that develops when someone is exposed to a shocking, dangerous, or life-threatening event. People experiencing persistent and recurring symptoms can benefit from the guidance provided by a hotline or mental health professional. However, if you or a loved one is in danger of harming yourself or someone else, please call 999 /911 immediately.
Aunua Academy: is an Irish non-profit and global provider of free education for mental health provided by industry leading experts. They are bringing free education to the world about mental health topics, issues and support tools to improve the quality of life for everyone in the world that is impacted by their mental health.
Email: info@aunuaacademy.com OR check out their website for more detailed resources via the link below.
A leading resource for those experiencing (or supporting someone dealing with) Depression and Bipolar Disorder. Aware.ie offers a talkline available Monday through Sunday, 10 am – 10 pm, at 1800 80 48 48, an email service that offers replies within 24 hours, as well as support groups around Ireland and informational resources.
Samaritans were established in Ireland in 1962. There are now 20 Samaritans branches across Ireland with 2,400 active volunteers. They offer a free and confidential hotline for anyone having suicidal thoughts or needing to talk in
Founded in 1995, Bodywhys is Ireland’s national voluntary organization supporting people affected by eating disorders. Their website offers information on recovery, support groups, and understanding eating disorders. Their helpline number is 1890 200 444, and online support is available by emailing alex@bodywhys.ie
NORTHERN IRELAND: AWARE is a Depression & Mental Health Charity for Northern Ireland. A Derry-born charity, they now have two offices; one in Londonderry and a second office in Belfast. AWARE has an established network of 23 support groups in rural and urban areas across the country, which are run by trained volunteers. Click on the following link to access a local support group near you. https://www.aware-ni.org/support-groups
Website Link:https://www.aware-ni.org Email AWARE - info@aware-ni.com
Action Mental Health (AMH) is a local charity which works to enhance the quality of life and the employability of people with mental health needs or a learning disability in Northern Ireland. They have specific projects for young people, older people, people living with alcohol abuse, employees, employers, people managing long-term conditions, partnership work with other mental health and disability charities as well as working within our prisons. They provide clients with many opportunities, encouraging them to adopt healthier lifestyles and to widen their social networks. They also provide them with the skills to build a better future, set personal goals, develop coping skills, re-engage with society and become more employable.
Action Mental Health - Central Office - 27 Jubilee Road - Newtownards - Co Down BT23 4YH - Phone: 028 9182 8494
Fax: 028 9182 8808 - Website Link for Contacts:https://www.amh.org.uk/contact
Website Link: https://www.amh.org.uk
AMH EveryBODY - aims to promote greater understanding and awareness of eating disorders. We have adopted a recovery approach to provide help and support to people with eating disorders and also to their friends and family. Information on eating disorders and health promotion is available. Contact us through the website or on 028 3839 2314 for further information. Contact Deborah McCready, Project Worker, 13 Church Street, Portadown
BT62 3LN. Phone: 028 3839 2314 - Mobile: 07790885438
AMH New Horizons they support the recovery of adults experiencing mental ill health who are interested in progressing towards further education/training or employment. People experiencing mental ill health are identified as one of the most disadvantaged groups when securing and retaining employment. The “Working it Out” project aims to help individuals access employment or further education/training opportunities and enhance social inclusion thereby reducing poverty and discrimination. Click on the link below for your area to access more details on this program.
ANTRIM: https://www.amh.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/16924-AMH-NH-Leaflet_Antrim7.pdfb
CRAIGAVON & BANBRIDGE:https://www.amh.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/16924-AMH-NH-Leaflet_CraigBan3.pdf
DERRIAGHY: https://www.amh.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/16924-AMH-NH-Leaflet_Derriaghy4.pdf
DOWNPATRICK: https://www.amh.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/16924-AMH-NH-Leaflet_Downpatrick3.pdf
FERMANAGH: https://www.amh.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/16924-AMH-NH-Leaflet_Fermanagh8.pdf
FOYLE: https://www.amh.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/16924-AMH-NH-Leaflet_Foyle3.pdf
NEWRY & MOURNE: https://www.amh.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/16924-AMH-NH-Leaflet_NewryMourne4.pdf
NORTH DOWN & ARDS: https://www.amh.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/16924-AMH-NH-Leaflet_NDArds3.pdf
AMH Works provides quality Mental Health training programmes for employers to support healthy, resilient workplaces.AMH Works also develops the skills and learning required to effectively manage employee mental wellbeing in the workplace. They deliver Mental Health training and consultancy services to some of the Top 100 companies in Northern Ireland and the UK including Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Allstate NI and Schrader Electronics.
Contact: Gary Kane: Employer Development Co-Ordinator, Antrim Regional Office,4A Steeple Road, Antrim BT41 1AF - Phone: 028 94425 347 - Mobile: 07540 124 083 - Email: gkane@amh.org.uk.
Please click on the following link to access a vast amount of additional services that AMH provide all across Northern Ireland.https://www.amh.org.uk/services
Both men & women are victims of Domestic Violence and BOTH can also be the perpetrators of abuse. Below you will find support and resources for both MEN & WOMEN across Ireland who are victims of DV.
Amen is the only dedicated support service for male victims of domestic abuse in Southern Ireland providing crisis intervention, helpline support and face to face supports to victims. They are committed to the highest standard of ethical and efficient service delivery, promoting the empowerment, dignity, and equality of male victims. At Amen, they also provide safety planning, emotional help, advocacy and practical support with housing, education and health and assistance to access appropriate benefits.
CONTACT DETAILS: The website link for Amen is http://www.amen.ie.
Office Address: AMEN St. Anne’s Resource Centre Railway Street Navan Co. Meath.
Amen Confidential Support Line: 046 9023718
Amen General Office Queries: 046 9009109
Amen Contact E-mails:
Confidential Support E-mail: crisissupport@amen.ie
General Office Email: info@amen.ie
Please note that if you require a callback from Amen their phone number will show up as a private number on your phone
NORTHERN IRELAND: The Mens Advisory Project - MAP exists to provide counselling services for men experiencing domestic abuse. They can provide support and facilitate you to understand your options and make your own choices and decisions. MAP can provide awareness-raising sessions on male victims of domestic abuse and the issues they face. If you require more information with respect to awareness raising
Website Link:http://www.mapni.co.uk
Initial contact should always be made by calling us in Belfast on 028 9024 1929 or Foyle on 028 7116 0001
(9 am - 5 pm Mon - Fri). After you make contact with the organisation, you will be invited to meet with one of their counsellors. Email. INFO@MAPNI.CO.UK
SAFE Ireland provides 37 domestic violence services located in towns right across Southern Ireland. Services are free, confidential and available to all women. You can contact the service that is most convenient for you. All the domestic violence services are listed below by county. Please click on the name of the service for further information about the full range of services they are able to provide. The website link for local support is
National Helpline1800 341 900
Carlow Carlow Women’s Aid 1800 444 944
Cavan Domestic Violence Advocacy Service 071 9141515 / 071 9616844
Cavan Tearmann Domestic Violence Services 045 527584
Clare Clare Haven Services 065 6822 435
Cork YANA, North Cork Domestic Violence Project 022 53915
Cork OSS Cork 1800 497 497
Cork Mna Feasa 021 4211757
Cork West Cork Women Against Violence Project 1800 203 136
Cork Cuanlee Refuge 021 4277 698
Donegal Donegal Women's Centre 074 912 4985
Donegal Lifeline Inishowen 074 937 3232
Donegal Donegal Women’s Domestic Violence Service 1800 262677
Dublin Saoirse Women’s Refuge 01 463 0000
Dublin Women’s Aid 1800 341 900
Dublin Sonas Domestic Violence Charity 01 8662015
Dublin Inchicore Outreach Violence Against Women Centre 01 454 5239
Dublin Aoibhneas Women’s Refuge 01 867 0701,
Galway Domestic Violence Response 091 866740
Galway COPE – Waterside House Women’s Refuge 091 565985
Kerry Adapt Kerry Women’s Refuge and Support Service 066 7129100
Kildare Teach Tearmainn 045 527584
Kilkenny AMBER, Kilkenny Women’s Refuge 1850 424244
Laois Laois Domestic Abuse Service 057 8671100
Leitrim Domestic Violence Advocacy Service 071 9141515 / 071 9616844
Limerick ADAPT Domestic Abuse Services 1800 200 504
Longford Longford Women’s Link 043 33 41511
Louth Women’s Aid Dundalk 042 9333244
Louth Drogheda Women’s Refuge 041 9844550
Mayo Mayo Women’s Support Service 094 9025409
Meath Meath Women’s Refuge & Support Service 046 9022393
Monaghan Tearmann Domestic Violence Services 047 72311
Offaly Offaly Domestic Violence Support Service 057 9351886
Sligo Domestic Violence Advocacy Service 071 9141515
Tipperary Cuan Saor Women’s Refuge & Support Service 1800 576757
Tipperary Ascend Women’s Support Service 0505 23999
Waterford Oasis House Refuge 1890 264 364
Westmeath Esker House Refuge 090 6474122
Wexford Wexford Women’s Refuge 1800 220 444
Wicklow Bray Women’s Refuge 01 286 6163
NORTHERN IRELAND: Victim Support NI is an independent charity which helps people affected by crime. They offer a free and confidential service, whether or not a crime has been reported and regardless of how long ago the event took place. They believe that with support and help, survivors of domestic abuse can be empowered to move on from the impact of abuse. They don’t just help people who’ve recently experienced domestic abuse – they are here to support both men and women, and provide support and advice months, even years, afterwards.
All of our services are confidential, free and available to anyone who’s experienced domestic violence. They can help, regardless of whether you’ve told the police or anyone else about the abuse.
Website Link: http://www.victimsupportni.com
If you would like general information about Victim Support, you can call their Central Office in Belfast
Central Office: 1st floor Albany House, 73-75 Gt Victoria St, Belfast BT2 7AF - Call 02890 243133
Opening hours: Monday – Friday 9am-5pm
If you would like to access their services, please choose the number of the Hub closest to you, in Belfast or Foyle, and call or email to make an appointment. Opening hours are Monday -Friday: 9am-5pm, In addition, the
Ballymena outreach is open by appointment only
Foyle Hub: Phone 028 7137 0086 - Email foyle@victimsupportni.org.uk - Foyle Office,6th-floor Embassy Building,
3 Strand Road, BT48 7BH. - Opening hours: Monday – Friday from 9am-5pm - Covering the following areas of Northern Ireland. Antrim & Newtownabbey - Causeway Coast & Glens - Derry City & Strabane - Fermanagh
& Omagh - Mid & East Antrim - Mid-Ulster​
Belfast Hub: Phone 028 9024 3133 - Email belfast@victimsupportni.org.uk - Belfast Office,2nd floor Albany House,73-75 Gt Victoria St, Belfast BT2 7AF - Opening Hours Monday – Friday from 9am-5pm - Covering the following areas of Northern Ireland. Armagh City - Banbridge & Craigavon - Belfast City - Lisburn City & Castlereagh - Newry City - Mourne & Down - North Down & Ards
NATIONWIDE: The HSE which is the government's Health Service Executive Service provides support for all victims of Elder Abuse. If you are a victim of Elder Abuse, are concerned about abuse, or if you suspect someone you know may be a victim of abuse, you should contact the HSE elder abuse service, through your GP, Public Health Nurse, local Health Centre or any of your local Senior Case Workers or An Garda Siochana. The HSE has a dedicated Elder Abuse Service, with Senior Case Workers in Elder Abuse now working in most Local Health Office Areas.
Website link: https://www.hse.ie/eng/services/list/4/olderpeople/
All cases will be treated with confidentiality and, in so far as is practical, will be handled in a way that respects the wishes of the older person. The prime focus is on ensuring the safety and well-being of the older person while providing supports to stop the unwanted behaviour and facilitate the continuation of care.
If you are a victim of Elder Abuse, are concerned about abuse, or if you suspect someone you know may be a victim of abuse, you should contact the HSE elder abuse service, through your GP, Public Health Nurse at your local Health Centre or any of your local Senior Case Workers - listed below-, HSE General Managers or An Garda Siochana.
HSE Senior Case Workers
The HSE has a dedicated Elder Abuse Service, with Senior Case Workers in Elder Abuse now working in most Local Health Office Areas. Click here to find Senior Case Workers in your area. HSE Infoline - Monday to Saturday,
8am-8pm - Call Save: 1850 24 1850 - Email: info@hse.ie
Senior Helpline - The Senior Helpline provides opportunities for older people to talk to someone of their own age group for the price of a local call from anywhere in Ireland. Callers can talk to one of the older volunteers and all calls are taken in the strictest of confidence. LoCall: 1850 440 444 - Email: info@thirdageireland.ie
Website: www.thirdageireland.ie/what-we-do/14/senior-helpline/
Action on Elder Abuse (AEA) Northern Ireland is a specialist charity working to protect older people from all forms of abuse and neglect. They support those experiencing (or at risk of) abuse, as well as raising awareness and advocating for effective prevention. They are part of the organisation Action on Elder Abuse, who work across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. They were the first charity to address elder abuse and remain the only charity in the United Kingdom working exclusively on the issue today. They have the expertise to support victims, their families, and those who care for them. Click here for more information.
One key way in which they address elder abuse is through their unique confidential freephone helpline, which provides information, advice, and support to victims and others who are concerned about or have witnessed abuse, neglect or financial exploitation. Website Link: https://www.elderabuse.org.uk/in-northern-ireland
The helpline is available in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland - Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm - and will not show up on your phone bill. Each nation has its own service, and callers can choose their relevant nation at the outset. Call our Northern Ireland Helpline for confidential advice and support 080 8808 8141