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Human Trafficking is the second-fastest growing criminal industry in the world and comes after the illustrious drug trade and cartels. Yet a huge proportion of the victims who are trafficked are sold by those in these cartels and in the gangs that supply and sell drugs on a worldwide basis. Many of these Drug Dealers will also supply children as young as 6 yrs old to be trafficked if the price is right. Humanity, in general, is so concerned with the materialistic things in life, that the pain and suffering of a child who is trafficked are ignored for the monetary gain. They are simply a commodity that is easily discarded when they are no longer young enough or are simply not wanted by a particular trafficker any longer. In general, they will be picked up by either another Human Trafficker, his/her Spotters or a person who is abusive and the cycle begins again.
What the majority of people forget is that these children never asked to be born, they never asked to be sold to a dealer in lieu of the drugs for his/her parents, or to be taken after they run away from a home that is abusive to a parent or indeed a home that has direct abuse whether physical or sexual onto a child. These children are the innocent victims of greedy perverted excuses of humans that seem to think that if they want a child, woman or young boy that they will simply take them. Well, the time is here to tell them that this has to STOP. Nobody is a commodity in life and nobody should have to suffer like a victim of traffickers do, yet in many cases, the victim of these traffickers are BRANDED with a BARCODE or TATTOO with the trafficker's initials or code as proof of ownership to others.
Human trafficking involves recruitment, harboring or transporting people into a situation of exploitation through the use of violence, deception or coercion and forced to work against their will. In other words, trafficking is a process of enslaving people, coercing them into a situation with no way out, and exploiting them. People can be trafficked for many different forms of exploitation such as forced prostitution, forced labor, forced begging, forced criminality, domestic servitude, forced marriage, and forced organ removal. Your gender does NOT protect you from Traffickers, as Men, Women, Children of all ages, all races, shapes, and sizes are targeted for the specific demand that the particular Trafficker has. He or She looks at humanity as a giant shopping mall of humans whom they can pick and choose from as they wish. Traffickers have no morals, nobody is out of their reach if they want a particular person they will find a way to take them, it's not right but it is the reality for many in our world as the victim of these traffickers.
Approximately 40 million people annually are impacted by one of these types of trafficking globally. It includes the practices of forced labor, debt bondage, domestic servitude, forced marriage, sex trafficking, child sex trafficking, and the recruitment and use of child soldiers, among others. The most common forms of exploitation are forced labor, which, according to the International Labor Organization, impacts approximately 24.9 million people a year 16 million in private sector exploitation, 4 million in state-sanctioned forced labor, and 4.8 million in sex trafficking and forced marriage, which enslaves in the region of 15.4 million individuals. The ILO(The International Labour Office) estimates that forced labor generates approximately $150 Billion USD in illegal profits each year.
Contrary to a common misconception, people don’t necessarily have to be transported across borders for trafficking to take place. In fact, transporting or moving the victim doesn’t necessarily define trafficking.
When children are trafficked, no violence or coercion needs to be involved. Simply bringing them into exploitative conditions constitutes trafficking. Trafficking for sexual exploitation gets much attention. However, the majority of people are trafficked into labor exploitation.
Many people who become a victim of trafficking, want to escape poverty, improve their lives, and support their families. Often they get an offer of a well-paid job abroad or in another region. Often they borrow money from their traffickers in advance to pay for arranging the job, travel, and accommodation. When they arrive they find that the work they applied for does not exist, or the conditions are completely different. But it’s too late, their documents are often taken away and they are forced to work until their debt is paid off.
People often confuse human trafficking and people smuggling. People smuggling is the illegal movement of people across international borders for a fee. On arrival, the smuggled person is free. Human trafficking is different. The trafficker is moving a person for exploitation. There is no need to cross an international border. Human trafficking occurs at a national level, or even within one community. Trafficking happens in all areas, in all towns and cities, don't think where you live is exempt as NOWHERE is exempt from the reach of TRAFFICKERS.
The two most commonly known forms of human trafficking are sexual exploitation and forced labor. Any instance in which an individual engages in a commercial sex act (such as prostitution) as the result of force, fraud, or coercion, is considered sex trafficking. Sex trafficking also includes the commercial sexual exploitation of children or minors (commonly abbreviated as CSEC). Forced labor can occur within any form of labor or services, and it is defined as the subjection of individuals to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. In all instances of forced labor, the individual works against his or her will, for little or no pay, and/or under the threat of some sort of punishment.
Trafficked persons may be forced or coerced to work in a variety of settings, both hidden and in plain sight. Some examples include factories, “sweatshops,” fields, brothels, “massage” parlors, online escort services, on street corners, as child soldiers, or in private homes. The most common industries associated with trafficking in persons include agriculture, construction, garment and textile manufacturing, catering and restaurants, domestic work, entertainment, and the sex industry.