I​All Abuse Issues - Domestic Violence - Child Abuse - Senior Abuse - Male Abuse - PTSD Child Rescue - Human Trafficking - Parental Alienation - WorldWide Consultations International Abuse Training & Educator - Motivational Speaking - Expert Witness
Nolonger Victims
You are all very welcome to the Nolonger Victims Website which deals with all issues of Abuse, that includes Child Abuse Domestic - Physical - Emotional - Sexual - Gender-based abuse, Abuse of Power, Human Trafficking and Domestic Minor Trafficking, Parental Alienation, Child Abduction, Elder, Veteran, Law Enforcement Abuse, Male Abuse. No abuse is ignored, and no abuse is ever acceptable. Whatever form of abuse you have suffered, you are very welcome on this site and all the help and support that you need is here for you. Should you not be able to find the resources that you require, please let us know and we will find them for you. Lurleen is also an International Public Speaker specializing in Motivational - Inspirational and Educational talks. If Lurleen, and two of her sons can escape the past then so can you.
All that will is contained in this site will be factual, and up to date information that will hopefully help with the Education, Intervention, Prevention of abuse of all. Should you wish to contact Admin or to have any specific requests regarding support or information on abuse, then please complete the Online Contact Form and we will revert to you within 24 hrs, but usually, within an hour or two, we will at least acknowledge your contact with us. Any topic of abuse that you want to be made public, or to have information on please feel free to contact us and we will try to facilitate your request. This is a website for all to become educated and informed on issues of abuse, but it is also a forum that will hopefully allow more Victims of Abuse Worldwide to become Survivors. You can also reach out for general information on our 'LIVE CHAT' LINK ON OUR PAGES
Lurleen Hilliard the founder of Nolonger Victims lived a life of abuse with her husband, it forced her to live this life in Dublin Ireland behind closed doors with her four sons, for over 20 years. Like most victims of abuse, she was isolated, no financial support, no family support, few friends, totally controlled by her husband, terrified of his abuse and whether or not she would wake up the next morning after another night of abuse was the one thought that she went to sleep with every single night. In recent years Lurleen and two of her now adult son's ended up homeless for months, sleeping in their car with their service dog as nobody would offer them help as a family, but instead told Lurleen that her son's could go to a shelter and she could get into accommodation but not as a family. Lurleen refused so they all spent Christmas, Birthdays and every day sleeping and living in their car. It's another reason as to why Lurleen is now more determined than ever to RAISE AWARENESS FOR MALE VICTIMS OF ABUSE, AS ENOUGH SIMPLY IS ENOUGH, Equaity for all not just female victims of abuse but all victims of abuse irrespective of their gender, age, sexuality, religion, race. No abuse is ever acceptable.
Below is a little bit of the abuse that either she or her sons went through and is the reason as to why she is so passionate about helping others. After the people of Alaska literally saved the life of Lurleen and two of her sons, she vowed to dedicate her life to helping other victims of abuse, in particular, and to never forget the people of Alaska. As without them, she and two of her sons would be another statistic in a society that already has far too many.
Over the years Lurleen has written many articles and books about her own abuse and that of her sons in order to highlight the fact that you can get through it, you can live life instead of existing and you can be a survivor despite feeling you're only ever going to be a victim. The following link is one that Lurleen has asked us to share on the site as some people have questioned her about her knowledge of abuse, this is such an insult to her but it's why she never gives up, refuses to be silent and with the launch of our new worldwide initiative #MenToo to raise awareness of male abuse and remove the stigma, we all know that Lurleen is the true survivor, warrior for all when it comes to abuse. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/letter-from-survivor-abuse-her-deceased-abuser-my-i/ In this article that we've shared the link for you will read about some of the most vile forms of abuse that anybody can endure yet Lurleen did and she's sharing this article not to be seen as a victim but instead as a survivor, and if she can do it then so can you.
Lurleen is also a Psychotherapist specializing in CBT, the reason that Lurleen decided to study CBT Therapy was so that she could provide another form of counseling for those that have tried everything else and still feel that they need some more mentoring, counseling in order to live their life rather than exist in it because of their past. Having studied the benefits of this form of therapy that can be used for so many people, not just those who have endured abuse, but depression, stress in life from financial difficulties, relationships Lurleen is looking forward to using this knowledge, and skills which she has learned while studying CBT Therapy to help those who have given up on all other forms of therapy.
On our home page, you will see the cover for a Directory of Services that Lurleen wrote specifically for Alaska, this directory is unique in the information it contains as nobody has ever written such concise directory of services for one specific state. The intention is that this book will be placed in Taxis, Police & First Responder vehicles and stations, Hotels, Shopping Malls, Library, Airport, Train & Bus Stations, Hired Cars basically anywhere and everywhere that you have people this directory needs to be available as nobody ever knows when they may be the victim of abuse and or when they will need to make that call for help. What makes this Directory SO SPECIAL to Lurleen is that she has dedicated the book in the memory of the 'Late
Crystal McDonald Rice who was MURDERED by her husband after she had decided to leave him and escape the life of abuse both she and her children endured on a daily basis. Sadly Crystal never got to leave, never got that new beginning as he took her life when he played God. Lurleen is very close friends with one of Crystals' sister Jessie who also works non stop to help all victims of abuse within Alaska particularly those within the native community. In dedicating the book to Crystal, Lurleen wants to ensure that her name is NEVER FORGOTTEN and her memory and loss will perhaps inspire others to get out sooner.
Lurleen has been doing a huge amount of work over the last few years across the world with victims of abuse and in particular with victims in the United States of America. The law's there although not perfect, at least offer some form of protection for the victims of abuse and justice. Although they also have issues that need to be addressed they are way ahead of Ireland her home country. That is why Lurleen is DETERMINED TO MAKE HER VOICE NOT JUST HEARD BUT LISTENED TO, not just in some countries but all over the World and in particular in the USA, Europe, UK, Wales, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand and her birth country Ireland.
Lurleen has been endorsed and is recognized by some of the WORLDS TOP ABUSE ORGANIZATIONS AND ADVOCATES
as well as by many INTERNATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES AND OFFICERS. She now has an ever-growing WORLDWIDE INSPIRATIONAL TEAM OF VOLUNTEER ADVOCATES working with her to make Nolonger Victims the One-Stop-Shop for all information on all abuse issues and providing valuable services to both victims, Law Enforcement, Survivors, Attorneys, The Public, Conventions, etc. This team is, in general, made up of Survivors of Abuse and those that are dedicated to making sure the voices of victims are heard, and that they are not mere statistics in life. However, you don't need to be a survivor to help others YOU JUST NEED TO HAVE A WANT AND A HEART. We are available to help ALL VICTIMS of all abuses worldwide.
Nolonger Victims can also provide a Certified Expert Witness for all Traumatic Stress who can help out on any and all Legal Cases around the world on any abuse issues. This is a very hard certification to receive, however, Lurleen has been validated and certified by the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress as an Expert in this field,
as well as many other areas. So please do contact us if we can help you and your case. As your voice needs to be heard and your pain is known to those that are been held accountable for Nolonger Victims, as we are a team that works together to make noise so that we can ensure that all victims are given the support and protection that they need in life, and to be free from pain. Nolonger Victims knows Abuse has no boundaries so neither does our team.
Our team is growing daily and we want to keep expanding so we are available in every country WORLDWIDE and we want more and more to join us, So if you can offer some time to help us on our Social Network Sites particularly Facebook and become a State, Provincial, County Team member with Nolonger Victims , then please click on the Contact Button on the website and let us know. We welcome Men & Women as both are victims in life and we never discriminate when it comes to abuse, and certainly not ever with your gender.
Life is for living and not to be mere statistics in society, to live life instead of existing in it as VICTIMS OF ABUSE BUT AS SURVIVORS. Make sure to check out our site to see how we can help you, your client, family member or friend in their fight to become justice and accountability when possible. Our work is unique as we don't just specialize in one form of abuse we are EXPERTS & SURVIVORS OF MANY and we are all now living and not just existing in life. Remember Live for Today, and Dream for Tomorrow. Don't forget to join us on the Social Network Sites and check out or better still JOIN US and use your experience in life or your desire to help others by reaching out and helping others to follow our MANTRA IN LIFE - SPEAK OUT - REACH OUT - GET OUT
