I​All Abuse Issues - Domestic Violence - Child Abuse - Senior Abuse - Male Abuse - PTSD Child Rescue - Human Trafficking - Parental Alienation - WorldWide Consultations International Abuse Training & Educator - Motivational Speaking - Expert Witness
Welcome to our website, we hope that you find it informative as well as helpful for your situation or that of those you are concerned about. Nolonger Victims was conceived in late 2012 by Lurleen Hilliard, an Irish woman fed up with being a victim of abuse. This website had its genesis as one page on Facebook that told her story, exposing the 20 plus years of abuse exacted on her and her sons at the hands of her husband. That one page has morphed into a global organization and Lurleen is today recognized as a voice to be reckoned with. The work that she and her team at Nolonger Victims have done has made incredible differences in the lives of countless victims of abuse worldwide. Lurleen is now a widow, her abuser who was her husband died on March 14th, 2020, the fear that she still lived with is finally over, Lurleen forgave her husband in death and gave him her forgiveness when she went to pay her respects. As nobody should carry the pain of the past into the future it only creates more pain for the survivor as the abuser is no longer alive.
Nolonger Victims as an International organization was validated with the honor of receiving the status of “Website of Excellence” from the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. We are proud of that designation and thrilled with the opportunity to be of service to abuse victims worldwide. We are immensely proud to launch the #MenToo worldwide campaign to finally have MEN all over the world recognized as equals to women when it comes to any form of abuse. The stigma, ignorance, refusal to accept male victims of abuse needs to stop. Women are seen as NO LONGER VICTIMS in society, so WHY NOT MEN TOO? hence our #MenToo campaign.
Roger Worrod may not be widely recognized by name but his extensive voice-over work in countless Hollywood productions has made his voice instantly recognizable. In 2014 Roger lent that famous voice to the production linked below. Although 5 years old it is still relevant and should be heard by all, especially victims of all forms of abuse. It is our hope that listening to Roger’s words will provide inspiration and strength to give oneself the permission and desire to say “NO” to and turn away from their abusers. We are indebted to Roger for his generous assistance and direct impact on many survivors of abuse.
A few years ago in 2015, the rescue of an 18-month-old boy in the Philippines provided Lurleen and Nolonger Victims overnight, worldwide exposure and credibility. A Facebook message was received by Lurleen detailing horrible abuse such as the naked boy being led by a dog leash and forced to eat from a dog dish by his mother who incidentally was a TEACHER! It was determined that this was not an isolated incident but rather a regular occurrence. Thanks to Lurleen’s quick action and intervention along with the work of her contacts in US Law Enforcement the boy was removed from his awful situation in less than 24 hours and to date remains safe from neglect and abuse.
Our website includes one of many media articles detailing the witnessed abuse and quick rescue of the innocent child. The article can be viewed at the link: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3097933/Child-filmed-dragged-LEASH-mother-taken-care-Philippines.html
Another world-renowned case that was brought to light by Lurleen Hilliard and her team at Nolonger Victims was one that shocked all that saw and heard the story. The photo below was sent to Lurleen by a concerned person once again on Facebook. This photo and an article that was written by Lurleen to try to locate the child went Viral. Within 24 hrs of posting both the photo & article our then Nolonger Victims Blog had over 277.000 views. This was NOT A FAKE GUN it was real BUT the mom was very young, naive, and stupid in thinking this was acceptable behavior.
It was astounding the response to our request for help. It took longer than anticipated but within a few weeks SOLELY due to the constant work and determination to find this woman and baby by Lurleen and her team at Nolonger Victims in conjunction with many Law Enforcement Agencies worldwide this woman and child were located in a tiny cartel controlled village in South America. She was spoken to by local authorities, the baby was checked and subsequently monitored so that its safety could be maintained and insured. Due to the risk to her and her baby because of the adverse publicity and the amount of Law Enforcement attention, it brought to the area, both the mom and baby were relocated away from this cartel-controlled town, where they still remain we are told today.
Unfortunately, at the time of this posting on FB, there was another group of people who were feeding off the work and support that Lurleen and her team at Nolonger Victims were getting. The original FB page for Nolonger Victims was hacked and in the process of securing our new page back then they managed to get the LIKES on FB diverted to them so the true level of support worldwide for Nolonger Victims was taken by others BUT the fact remains we do this work because we know we make a difference that is what is important to us at Nolonger Victims NOT the amount of FB likes. Supporting others and helping to get them out of a dangerous situation is paramount to social media likes.
It is truly amazing how much can be achieved in a short span of time when individuals and organizations worldwide work together to identify, find and rescue children as well as adults from a life of abuse. We are very fortunate to be connected with Law Enforcement agencies and personnel both across the United States, Canada, and worldwide! We have allies across the globe including North, South, and Central America, Canada, Australia, Europe, and Asia including Albania, and Brazil, and obviously the Philippines, to name a few. Nolonger Victims has established the credibility necessary for contacts in these locations to listen to us and take immediate action where necessary.

“SURVIVORS NOT STATISTICS” is the autobiography of Nolonger Victims founder Lurleen Hilliard, detailing the abuse exacted upon her and her sons behind closed doors in Ireland for far too many years. Lurleen’s motivation for writing the autobiography was that of a woman who finally gathered the strength to say “no more” to living life in fear as a human punching bag. When Lurleen wrote this book she did so in hopes that her story would inspire all others in desperate situations to seek help in escaping their nightmares.
To outside observers, Lurleen was “living the dream” in a beautiful house with numerous vehicles, a boat, a Spanish villa and frequent luxurious holidays. What the world didn’t see was that this “idyllic life” came at a horrible cost; a hidden nightmare of physical, emotional, mental and sexual abuse at the hands of her husband. Sadly, Lurleen wasn’t the only recipient of fiendish abuse, her children were also victimized by that monster.
Cathy Kelly, a renowned best-selling author in Ireland and Europe, graciously wrote an endorsement for the back cover of “SURVIVORS NOT STATISTICS” providing encouragement and support not only to Lurleen but to ALL victims of abuse which is still highly stigmatized not only in Ireland but throughout the world. “SURVIVORS NOT STATISTICS” is available currently only Amazon.
To purchase this powerful and poignant story of survival click the link:
www.amazon.com/Survivors-not Statistics-Lurleen-Hilliard/dp/1491077778

Nolonger Victims - Alaska is part of the USA & US Territories Series of directories of services produced on behalf of Nolonger Victims. The biggest obstacle between abuse and help is knowledge of where victims can turn for help in escaping violence and abuse. To remove that obstacle, No Longer Victims has begun work on a directory for Alaska that will provide a comprehensive, “one-stop shopping” list of all services and agencies available to victims of all forms of abuse, irrespective of gender or situation. Our long term goal is to compile an individual directory for each U.S. state and territory. This undertaking
is the first of its kind in the world.
We are also planning to compile such directories for every Canadian Province. The Canadian project has begun with work on a directory for the Province of Alberta. All directories will also include links to every Diplomatic Consulate in every country of the world so that abuse victims can access assistance no matter where they are in the world. Our end goal is to have our directories readily available in much the same way and the same places telephone directories are available for example in hotels, hospitals, law enforcement agencies, libraries, and airports to name but a few of limitless possibilities.
A key component to our vision is to have the entire series of directories published in hard copy and be made available worldwide in facilities as noted in the paragraph above. Our overriding vision that drives our end goal is that victims of abuse be no longer relegated to live in fear or suffer in silence but rather, have readily available information on where to go or whom to call for
help in escaping an unbearable situation.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/1516949536 ---
To purchase directories in bulk, please contact us directly at our email nlvconsults@gmail.com OR via our website www.nolongervictims.com contact form.
Nolonger Victims has a directory available to the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland that is identical to the directory in Alaska. It provides contact information for agencies that will assist victims of all forms of abuse. And, like the Alaska and Canada Directories, it contains contact information for Diplomatic Consulates in Northern and Southern Ireland. Additionally, the directory describes all forms of abuse so as to alleviate confusion victims may have as to whether or not they
are indeed victims of abuse or exploitation.
Sadly, abuse in Ireland has been at pandemic levels for many years now due in large part to lack of training in this field and because of the stigma, real or imagined, that is attached to reporting or seeking rescue from abusers, especially family members. Because of this stigma, far too many victims choose to suffer in silence and fear rather than seeking help or rescue from untenable situations. It is high time that abusers are reported and HELD ACCOUNTABLE for the physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse exacted on their victims. however due to the total lack of training in this field as well as the stigma that is attached to all abuses and in particular to a victim reporting their abuser or the abuse, sadly far too many will simply suffer in silence and never get justice for what they have endured, the abuser is not held accountable and the victim is forced to live life as a victim instead of living life as a Survivor.
As with all our Directories, it is envisioned that they are made readily available to any and all victims in Ireland in locations described in previous paragraphs. It is important to remember that NO ONE asks or deserves to be a victim of abuse or exploitation. It can be exacted on anyone regardless of their location or socioeconomic status. It is important to know and remember that if abuse is suspected, it is far better to report the suspicion rather than to remain silent or turn a blind eye to suspected abuse, thereby allowing victims to languish in fear and
terror with no hope of escape. BE THAT HELPING HAND to potentially free victims of abuse and exploitation.
To purchase a single copy of this DIRECTORY please go to the link
If you, your company, or establishment would like to provide access to these booklets to customers or staff members, you can contact us directly at email nlvconsults@gmail.com OR via our contact form on this website www.nolongervictims.com for special BULK RATES.